Monday, September 20, 2010

"Fan Toolery"

The NY Jets already have one semi-famous annoying fan. Apparently the dick in this picture wants to take the title.

This brings me to examine the difference between a fan and a fan who commits "fan toolery". A fan watches his team on TV, at a bar or at the game. Cheers for his team. Buys a shirt and a hat of his team.

A fan who commits "fan toolery" yells and begs for attention why watching his team. Tries to start fights with the other teams fans. Spends his pay check on "official" jerseys, logos for his car, personalized jerseys that read "I LOVE TO 69" and dresses like a Road Warrior so he can get on TV.

A memo to all committing "fan toolery", STOP IT! No one watches football to see or hear you. Just trust me on this one. Good day.

1 comment:

  1. He is Paul Scimowitcz from Oceanside, NY. I'm sure he could kick all your asses, he is a former Marine. Go Jets!

