If you are in the mood for some creepy douchieness check out Pumpito at Hot Chicks with Douchebags, click here. Pumpito is quite disturbing so you have been warned. Enjoy and good day.
The site is for all the "normal" guys who "GET IT", drink BEER (especially good ones), watch sports (not soccer), "don't" wear make up, "don't" get facials, "don't" roll around in their cars with little dogs hanging out the window, "don't" tan at tanning salons, "don't" apply fake tan, etc...you get the idea. I will be posting daily pictures/videos and we will then have an open forum to discuss what the hell happened to American men.
Great site! Thank you for the recommendation even though Pumpito is disturbing as all hell! WTF is with him. Tits or pecks?