Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wears Golf Clothes When Not Golfing Guy

Wearing golf attire when not golfing is pretty damn lame and especially when riding the L.A. subway system. That's right. L.A. has a subway system and apparently its overflowing with tools who dress like golfers. Look, if you feel the need to dress in bad golf clothes leave it at the country club for christ sakes. You do not look good buddy. I know P Diddy wears this shit but that doesn't make it ok for you to try and pull it off. He's a rich, narcissus, choad stain who does not need to be copied. Good day.
Thank you Tim for the photo.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Accessories Worth More Then My Car Is Guy
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sunday's Annoying Video
This kid is an annoying future a-hole. His parents need to be stopped from reproducing any further. Enjoy your Sunday.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Old Guy

Now I am not gonna rip on this old guy, but the shirt tucked into the basketball shorts that are pulled up to your neck is not a good look for anyone. It is our duty as men to point out to our dads and grandpas that things like this and wearing black socks to your knees with shorts on is not OK. Good day.
Beer On Friday
Since it's my birthday today I figure I am gonna be drinking lots of beer tonight. So here is a weird beer commercial about a beer that's 55% ABV. These guys make good beer so it may be worth a try. Cheers!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
This Is Not A Joke........Candwich!

Because making a sandwich is such a hard thing to do. Candwich, I am sure its REALLY healthy and good for you to. If you buy this crap you are a worthless member of the human race and you can go ahead and run off a cliff with the rest of the sheep. Good day.
Just click here to read the actual review of this symbol of the downfall of all man kind.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Vegas Pool Party Guys

You WILL see these types if you hang out at a Vegas pool. The dick on the left had a sweet Superman symbol tattooed in the center of his back with some lame tribal design around it. He was strutting around like he was someone famous looking to see if anyone was watching. This was an off the strip place so it was full of locals and kids so no one gave a crap about the dork. Way to go you two tools at the pool!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Man Purse In Laughlin???

With all the trashy folks I saw in Laughlin, this guy really shocked me. He was wearing a man bag/purse. I am surprised he wasn't beaten senseless by one of the locals for carrying it around. While I do not support men carrying or wearing man bags/purse, I do find a work bag or a satchel to be acceptable for work purposes only.
And if you carry your wife's purse around, you have given up on being a man. Good day.
And if you carry your wife's purse around, you have given up on being a man. Good day.
Laughlin, NV's Finest

I took a trip to Laughlin, NV with family and friends for some water, gambling & drinking. This picture is all too common of a theme there. I know the picture is bad but this is a River Rat with a sweet mullet. Laughlin smells like old people & smoke in just about every casino. If you decide to visit expect rude service and plenty of this guy. You have been warned.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Cuts You Off While Driving A Toolmobile Guy

So this giant tool in his Toolmobile cuts me off while I am taking my son to his baseball game. I knew he had some kind of design or art on his PT Cruiser. So I got the blackberry out once again and snapped a picture. Here is the Flaming Cruiser! A middle aged man rolling around in this thing made me forget how pissed I was that he cut me off. Thank you Toolmobile driver for contributing to the site.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
So Mr. Jordan, Kobe or Lebron???
And the answer is...................................................
Lindsay & Machete
Monday, July 12, 2010
Good Bye Mel!
Sounds like Mel has just ended his career with this one. What a dickhead. Click here for the 8 minute version.
The King
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Holds His Wife's Purse While Shopping Guy

At first look I thought this older guy had a Euro man bag. I looked closer and closer and realized this guy was holding his wife's purse. So out came the Blackberry and here we have a man who really needs some help. I am not going to bash this guy too hard because he seemed like a nice enough person. I am sure most of you have never and will never walk around the local hardware store carrying your wife's purse. We all know this is not ok so we will just leave it at that....................No we won't!! This is complete BS. This dude needs to reach up where is balls are supposed to be and pull those suckers out. What are you doing? Did you give up on life? Did you forget you are a man? What happened here?

Thursday, July 8, 2010
LBJ, Chosen-1, Bron-Bron...............

We have talked about him in a previous post here. He is again showing his narcissistic ways with this 1 hour show about what team he is signing with.

I did check your $tats Lebron and they read...........DOUCHE!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Parks Where Ever He Feels Like Guy

Instead of pulling into the two empty PARKING spots next to the black truck, this pusswad decides to let his girlfriend out and park next to the curb so no one else can back out of their PARKING spot. Notice I said PARKING spot a-hole!

And this other inconsiderate dick decides to park his car on the gas stations walkway. This BMW driving dick was also guilty of being Talks Too Loud On Cell Phone Guy while I was inside buying some water. Put the cell phone down for 2 minutes, pay for your energy drink and leave. No one thinks your special, chode breath. Park your car in a PARKING spot like a normal considerate person.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
World Cup Update!!!!

Did Americans really get soccer fever or were we hoping to be able to throw a giant middle finger to the rest of the world if we would have won? I say the latter.
Americans play real football. Not some flopping around trying to get a yellow card game like the rest of the world. Who is a better athlete, Ronaldo or Adrian Peterson? I will take AP all day long. Imagine seeing AP barreling down the field blasting soccer balls left and right..........neither can I. Good day.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Freddy Kruger Cardigan Sweater Guy
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